Kamis, 30 April 2015


Here is a list of  7 products with the brand of the most striking in Indonesian society:

1. Aqua (mineral water)
Mineral water products under licensed brand Danone is indeed holding a very brilliant in Indonesia. almost all people in Indonesia will mention aqua when buying mineral water. good Ades, Machoa, Pristine, and others, still regarded as Aqua by most people of Indonesia
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2. Baygon (repellent) If we are told to buy a mosquito repellent by our parents, then our minds will be immediately drawn to the product Baygon, although there are other such products vape, Lavenda, and others, but for Baygon remains a top priority for mention of insect repellent products

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3. Sarimi (instant noodles) For many Indonesian, Instant noodles commonly referred to Sarimi. when you know yourself, instant noodle products in Indonesia is not only Sarimi. but there are many other products such as Indomie, Mie savory, Supermie, and others. But the people of Indonesia already overdo meyebut Sarimi as instant noodles brand product although they've lost with Mie Sedap which is now the best-selling instant noodle product in Indonesia

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4. Honda (sepeda motor) In the Java language, a motorcycle is often referred to as Honda, though the Honda is one of the brands of motorcycle products. even no matter what motorcycle brand (both Yamaha, Kawasaki, Suzuki, etc.), the wider community of Java still call with Honda. This is because most products Hondalah first orbiting in Indonesia, so that the people of Indonesia (especially Java)

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5. Vitacimin (tablet vitamin C) If you sriawan then want to buy a tablet of vitamin C, then I guarantee kalain will say this on the shop keeper, "Ms.Vitaciminnya". no wonder, because vitacimin is the product of the first non-prescription vitamin c orbiting in Indonesia

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6. Chiki (snack makanan ringan) My parents often said to my brother like this "do not make money later to buy chiki, but save it". (though the feeling chiki now already not exist yes). This is because the products Chiki never dominate the Indonesian market as the most famous snack products in Indonesia. and although now fallen has fallen, brand chiki still striking in the public eye
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7. Hansaplas (plester luka) Of the many brands wound plaster products, hansaplaslah which became the number 1 on the first hansaplas already exist become the most famous wound plaster products, though the past was unrivaled by tensoplast, but now hansaplas still dominate the Indonesian market in the field of wound plaster.